Saturday, 28 April 2012

Bumbling Poetry No. 9


Tropical English bedroom, hanging Sunday,
Dry heat stick of a ground nest. Grown quiet
In comfort, odd nudge and chirp, yawn and sigh.
Folding past hours into neat pages, our
Own broadsheet to flip through. ‘Us and them’ had
No value for a while, your lead story.
The lost youth with doleful eyes knew more and
Less, so heaped with credit, we feared for him.
I’d dreamt of that child’s fresh skin, through my own
Face crumbling. An inside source on our pick-
Up stick limbs said ‘Pray for the lamb, you’re done.’
Still, our main concern is the crossword. Clues
Scatter beyond our affected reach, I
Make the tea. We want for nothing more.

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